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Our Pastor

Reverend Gabriel Olumide

Reverend Gabriel Olumide

Reverend Gabriel Olumide is the senior pastor and pioneer of Fresh Grace Global Christian Centre, the ministry was established in September 2011 as a Bible-believing, Christ-centred, family-oriented, contemporary Church. It is a non-denominational, multicultural church, desiring to minister the love of God to people in a relevant way. It was Saint Augustine who said that our hearts are restless until they find rest in God. He was right, because we were made in the image and likeness of God and are not really happy until we are at rest in Him. At Fresh Grace Global Christian Centre, your aching-heart can find that rest in God, as the bible says “come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Matt 11:28 Our heart is to accept people where they are and to assist them in growing their faith to the next level. We believe that in seeking God, He will be found and the more of Him you find, the more of Him you want. Our name is a good way to introduce this ministry. God’s Grace is the basis of our relationship with Himself. Eph 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. Not by works so that no-one can boast”. Apostle Paul also said God says in IICor 12:9a “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness”. This Grace of God for salvation and a personal relationship with God is our only hope for eternity. Know that you have an open invitation to join us for all our worship services and events. We look forward to sharing and celebrating the journey of faith with you. We are here to make life better for you. We believe in the Word of God (Phil.4:13),”I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me” Amen! Reverend Gabriel Olumide is married to Reverend(Mrs) Debbie Olumide, blessed with one son and three daughters. Reverend Gabriel Olumide is an humble man of faith, heavenly anointed to bring this generation back to God, believing with God everything is possible. He is a graduate of Spurgeon’s College, a renowed theological school in UK, holding a Bachelor degree (Honours) in Theology. He loves to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world without ambiguity.